You are ENTERING eXtreMe zoNes, Praying that you will leave & Live as a DetoNator. Bienvenue . . .

You & me

My photo
Paris, France
The handwork of a thousand people, that's me . . . I believe in thinking, foreseeing, planning, challenging, building and living in eXtreMe zoNes. Relationships are important, hence Christ is important. How can I ever say no to HIM when beyond a doubt I could feel, witness, listen and talk to Him!! I do not hesitate a bit to declare that I believe in THE BIBLE and Christ is the one and The Only Saviour. Well, that is a part of my belief which I love to share if asked and love to live even if not. But I do not believe in forcing it on people. It takes its excitement off. BELIEFS : Detonate to Build, detonating to kill is useless (Think!!), Be balanced - think every possibility & move ready to die. SOURCE Of INSPIRATION: TRINITY MANAGEMENT (The Ancient Text),KING DAVID. Life?? - Trekking has taught me to endure and encourage, villages and wild are the best places !! War zones and rebel areas push in Adrenalin . . . DREAM : Be the meaning of every life possible !! Spring back from hurts, help the one who hurt in his/her trouble !! - Build Dream in people, be their Dream !! Detonate !! Detonate !!



Strategic planning help in DetoNation, but can one night long rally by feet followed by a days battle help a guerrilla army win a war? May be handle a situation,but not to win a war that day, that too against 5 kingdoms. But it happened once. What was the strategy?

It was not the all night walk which Joshua did which won the war – it was Lord putting the enemy in to confusion which won the war – humanly speaking one night rally would have been the strategy, but then tiredness was a reality as well.

The reality is, Lord confused the enemies – Is Lord there in your strategy ??
Years later in the sea of Galilee to the middle east of Europe were a few veteran fisher men rowing their boat – 12 of them, they knew the sea well and their profession well, but in the middle of the way they could not do anything more, they were rowing and rowing, but the wind was too strong and the waves were too high. Their well known strategies of keeping the sails low or rowing at angles – nothing worked. Then they thought about a man who was sleeping in their boat, they woke Him up. He was The Man who had authority of the Nature, He talked to the nature He told “Quiet ! Be still !” a gracious rebuke and it died off.

Do you have HIM in your strategy? If not your full night rally may become your rally to death. There is this old song “With Christ in the vessel we can smile at the storm”. This is Christ from Nazareth , yeap - local boy, but full of Wisdom, Power and Control.

Isn’t this is the Man who you need in your strategies?? When natures of situations around you are beyond your control, don’t you need someone who can control it all?? Isn’t He worth than a 100 experts ? Just this one person !!

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