You are ENTERING eXtreMe zoNes, Praying that you will leave & Live as a DetoNator. Bienvenue . . .

You & me

My photo
Paris, France
The handwork of a thousand people, that's me . . . I believe in thinking, foreseeing, planning, challenging, building and living in eXtreMe zoNes. Relationships are important, hence Christ is important. How can I ever say no to HIM when beyond a doubt I could feel, witness, listen and talk to Him!! I do not hesitate a bit to declare that I believe in THE BIBLE and Christ is the one and The Only Saviour. Well, that is a part of my belief which I love to share if asked and love to live even if not. But I do not believe in forcing it on people. It takes its excitement off. BELIEFS : Detonate to Build, detonating to kill is useless (Think!!), Be balanced - think every possibility & move ready to die. SOURCE Of INSPIRATION: TRINITY MANAGEMENT (The Ancient Text),KING DAVID. Life?? - Trekking has taught me to endure and encourage, villages and wild are the best places !! War zones and rebel areas push in Adrenalin . . . DREAM : Be the meaning of every life possible !! Spring back from hurts, help the one who hurt in his/her trouble !! - Build Dream in people, be their Dream !! Detonate !! Detonate !!


Starting of Lean Concept

He got a few thousand of horses but he kept only a 100 with him, the same with Bronze and precious metals, he gave them all to the build a temple. "The Ancient Text" says the things the King of Israel should do and this was given to Moses. And David did just that.

Lord is honored when His people and His leaders share the wealth in the way Lord has asked them to deal with. Today we accumulate gold or some people accumulate dogs, we forget to feed the poor and the needy, we spent much more in saving them and feeding them – a process of selfishness and self pleasures. This process of accumulating for us teaches our generation selfishness, they no more care for people around including dear and near ones, sending the generation to fights, poverty, disunity and failure of the society.

Often the things we accumulate have become sooo fat that even in a world which believes in lean philosophies to reduce expenditure we are sooo fat that our accumulations need so effort to be maintained.

The success of King David was a lean Army, lean wealth, which did not need sophisticated keeping, it was shared, so his family had unity than any other king, society had growth, people as a community had wealth, it belonged to none but there was wealth. So no one had to fight with each other with in the kingdom. The wealth was in the Lords Temple and it was the glory of Israel and it made people turn their eyes to God and not to each other.

Solomon came, did just the opposite, acquired horses, wife's, wealth over years, it accumulated so fat that eyes turned away from God, and everything split.
Lord again and again tells don’t keep your trust in Horses but in Lord your God.

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