You are ENTERING eXtreMe zoNes, Praying that you will leave & Live as a DetoNator. Bienvenue . . .

You & me

My photo
Paris, France
The handwork of a thousand people, that's me . . . I believe in thinking, foreseeing, planning, challenging, building and living in eXtreMe zoNes. Relationships are important, hence Christ is important. How can I ever say no to HIM when beyond a doubt I could feel, witness, listen and talk to Him!! I do not hesitate a bit to declare that I believe in THE BIBLE and Christ is the one and The Only Saviour. Well, that is a part of my belief which I love to share if asked and love to live even if not. But I do not believe in forcing it on people. It takes its excitement off. BELIEFS : Detonate to Build, detonating to kill is useless (Think!!), Be balanced - think every possibility & move ready to die. SOURCE Of INSPIRATION: TRINITY MANAGEMENT (The Ancient Text),KING DAVID. Life?? - Trekking has taught me to endure and encourage, villages and wild are the best places !! War zones and rebel areas push in Adrenalin . . . DREAM : Be the meaning of every life possible !! Spring back from hurts, help the one who hurt in his/her trouble !! - Build Dream in people, be their Dream !! Detonate !! Detonate !!


The Bastard Kid

To fellow kids and people around, he was a Bastard, to his brothers, he was a step brother, to his mothers husband, he was adopted, for his mother, he was a sword through the heart and for him he was lonely, far from his father whom only he knew. And now lost in a place where he did not belong, being the eldest he brought a Bastard identify to his family, a harlot identify to his mother, a fools identity to his step father. Naturally he had to grow up obedient, for all he had was his nothing and all he gave was hurts. There were winters, there were summers - which some people now call Christmas and Vacations - he had none.His life showed no promises, only dreams, his family had a history of being victims of believing in false promises and weird dreams. It at all there was any promise, it was too BIG for people to believe and hence short lived - people ensured that it was not real.

Sounds like your life a bit ? Well then read on. . . there was no great politician to endorse him, no investor found a point to lift him - once in a while one of societies crazy old idiot told him he would be a revolution & a hope, that was all he had for his Bastard identity and hopeless life, probably the only smile to his "harlot" mother. Often those crazy idiots who endorsed him never lived long enough after that, sounded like they lived their entire life only for telling him that. Twenty nine years of no hopes, believing in false promises and an stinking identity. Then the 30th year came, the patience paid, holding on had its end, the time arrived . . . the talk walked and the revolution started ! The DeToNatoR was set, in fact set before years. Three and a half years later it exploded and it subdued. That day the people saw what the Kid was capable of. It was just the setting for a billion other DeToNationS - all those eXploded and still eXplodeS. The nature of those explosions tells the World about the Real Father of the Kid, it exposed the real plan of The Father at face, it changed the identify of the family and changed hurts to Peace and Glory.

You got what I meant right ? In every sense right ? You know about HIM (person mentioned above) right ? In every sense right ? You know you have a HOPE right ? In every sense right ? You understood what it takes right ? In every sense right ? You know you can do it right ? In every sense right ? Well, then GO ! DetoNatE !

Madam / Sir, one minute . . .  whats your fuel for such an awesome, precise detonation ?



Controlled Combustion is ENERGY
UnControlled Combustion = Explosion


DetoNatoRs Options

To be a DetoNatoR start doing ! Go Build !
The ancient text has a line "For with much wisdom comes much sorrow;
the more more knowledge, the more grief" - Good you are planning, but let not rains ruin your plans.

DetoNatoRs always race against time ! DetoNatoRs keep doing and planning !
OR you have another option : Listen to the Master Planner, Who has DetoNateD all HIS life, HE knows it all, HE has planned them all - TRUST HIM & you just keep doing ! You decide.


Here are two DetoNatoRs for us. The guy you see has already turned the powers to destruction towards construction. Yet the DetoNatoR of this DetoNatioN was that trainer who had the vision for this talent. Go ! DetoNatE. You alone can do it.


Kill Pleasure

If its JUST pleasure, kill it, for it will destroy you.



In this world there will always exist people who want to do good for others. For the world cannot move ahead or exist a moment without such people. These are people like the ones who made internet free for every one (Sir Tim Berners-Lee)or decision making people in companies like Volvo which decided to release its new safety belt design to other companies.

Such people are sooooo Vital that, the instant when their ratio reduce(people who want to do good for others) in the world, disasters like World Wars pop up. Imagine my article having the privilege of being read by seekers like you if internet was not there or imagine yourself speeding down the highway with out that safety belt. Yet sitting within these free privileges which gives us life we ask "Why should I give my skills freely to someone else's benefit ?"

You can be that Vital person who can be the Change, You can be the one who can save the World, You can be that one who can do good for others, You can be the Legend ! Silent DeToNatoRs ! - Silent, but a Radiation.


DetoNatioN Example

Its not sparky but solid, soft, thought provoking and from an heart filled with personal experiences. Check the link.
One of the sensible talk that can be ever heard - what an example of DetoNatioN !



Those life's which are not desirable to be lived shall live after death. They are THE LEGENDS. They killed their life when others lived their life, so THEY WILL LIVE their life when others die. Life is an immaculate balance. Be a DeToNatoR, DetoNatE !


Sound DetoNatioN

When you have laid your life for a particular purpose, for a revolution how can you create the DetoNatioN in the right place if you do not have sound judgment? How can you learn sound judgment if you don’t know the reference for a sound judgment? How can you understand what is sound if you have not found a sound person ? How can you believe he/she is a sound person if you cannot weigh what he /she says ? but then again against what shall you weight ? Find, search and live for sound principles against which you can weigh, people are selfish, they will make you do what they want.

What is that one thing which will set you free? What is that one thing which will take your burdens off ? What is that one thing which will give you sound sleep and peace ? What is that one thing which will stabilize things around you ? That’s the sound thing, search for it, listen to it and you will be DetoNating even without you knowing. On two pieces of wood, years ago hung a man ready to die, he spoke almost nothing, hardly seven lines, words so sane, words so sound that people who listened to it DetoNated. It laid the basics of the reason for which or against which you are DetoNating today. Why not you try to understand those words yourself DetoNator? Other than what selfish people have to tell you ? Do you know the soundness of it or are you again exploited by selfish humans. Enough people have died for selfishness of humans . . . Is your judgment sound ? or are you heading to be just another carcass ? Live for a sound DetoNatioN.


Successful DetoNatioN

A successful DetoNatioN is not on the power of eXploSion it creates nor on timing the eXploSion, it is on the revolution it creates in the society in long term.


Misfire Point

You can live as a DetoNatoR or as a rebel or as a revolutionist for your whole life, but if you miss the reason of living such a life, your life is a waste. You are another exploited actor doing something for someone for no reason in a so called theater.


eXtRemE DetoNatioNs

Wisdom is not, knowing what lies ahead, but it is the understanding of what lay behind, what lies around, what lies ahead and where your activity will fit. The history of the world will tell you that across centuries we know the constructive forces of the world had always won against the destructive powers. Hence the legends lie in constructive DetoNatioN or constructive forces and constructive spirits. For not even a single part of the world has gone back to primitive ages, every part has grown in one way or the other, though it was stricken for a period of time. You sow death you will die so will the ideology, you give life so shall you get life, so shall the ideology.

The most powerful of detonation is one which can construct. An explosion which can construct an explosion which can change the hearts of your enemies to your. Only an ultimate DeToNatoR can do that. Are you that one? Or are you one of those, who is weak and can only destroy based on the power of an explosive or based on lies ?



When you control fire you generate energy, when you control your tongue you generate energy.

Republique - Paris

Republique - Paris
Freedom !!