As you wait for DetoNatinG, know that the enemy is also waiting for you. At the helm of war you will be hit by bullets, you cannot avoid it, but to allow the bullet to pass through you is your choice. Its the matter of heart, there body dies and heart moves on. You can either move on, or lie hit to bleed. Remember, movers DetoNatE, enemy does not want you to move, for he knows his end is near. DetoNatioN is about HEART.
If words cannot demolish you, Nothing can ! DetoNateRs need Heart. There was this boy, he was hurdled hurts after hurts. He stood strong, that amazed people, so they tried him with death, DEATH could not hold him back. Today He runs worlds biggest, most powerful DetoNatoR factory. The one He produced stared eye to eye at death, they are infact death Killers. When its life and death, He knows to put hearts on fire and to still make them beat - He is THE DETONATOR. He trains his DetoNatoRs to live through Death and to look to HIM and to move on. Got a Moulded Heart ?
If words cannot demolish you, Nothing can ! DetoNateRs need Heart. There was this boy, he was hurdled hurts after hurts. He stood strong, that amazed people, so they tried him with death, DEATH could not hold him back. Today He runs worlds biggest, most powerful DetoNatoR factory. The one He produced stared eye to eye at death, they are infact death Killers. When its life and death, He knows to put hearts on fire and to still make them beat - He is THE DETONATOR. He trains his DetoNatoRs to live through Death and to look to HIM and to move on. Got a Moulded Heart ?
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