You are ENTERING eXtreMe zoNes, Praying that you will leave & Live as a DetoNator. Bienvenue . . .

You & me

My photo
Paris, France
The handwork of a thousand people, that's me . . . I believe in thinking, foreseeing, planning, challenging, building and living in eXtreMe zoNes. Relationships are important, hence Christ is important. How can I ever say no to HIM when beyond a doubt I could feel, witness, listen and talk to Him!! I do not hesitate a bit to declare that I believe in THE BIBLE and Christ is the one and The Only Saviour. Well, that is a part of my belief which I love to share if asked and love to live even if not. But I do not believe in forcing it on people. It takes its excitement off. BELIEFS : Detonate to Build, detonating to kill is useless (Think!!), Be balanced - think every possibility & move ready to die. SOURCE Of INSPIRATION: TRINITY MANAGEMENT (The Ancient Text),KING DAVID. Life?? - Trekking has taught me to endure and encourage, villages and wild are the best places !! War zones and rebel areas push in Adrenalin . . . DREAM : Be the meaning of every life possible !! Spring back from hurts, help the one who hurt in his/her trouble !! - Build Dream in people, be their Dream !! Detonate !! Detonate !!


The story of a Pebble as said by the Pebble

This is one of the best story of DetoNatioN, the story of a pebble . . .

Once a crystal of beauty, with jaggered ends, sparkling lights
Nights I glazed under the moon light,
Razor edged, I was the desire of every eye,
I enjoyed the romantic rain, when water ran down the hill,
I enjoyed my swim, lived my dreams . . .

Never cared the water raising, living in my dreams
My pain died in the running water, living in my dreams,
Then I woke that day I felt the burden, my jiggered ends gone,
Lying in muck, under the debris, I could hear the armies marching
All over me, no more moon, only pain and marks,

There came that shepherd boy, simple in look,
Calm and innocent, he picked five of us, I was one,
Why should anyone pick me ?? My value is gone from me !!
My Blunted body, why he desires me ??
My dreams are over, what can excite in desert heat ??
Thoughts running over, he felt over me . . .

Next I knew was I’m flying, ooh I’m flying,
I’m spinning and flying around, yeaaah,
Never lifes been this exciting, its all unique like never before . . .
I can see the giant standing, I remember he walked over me !!
Ooh I see me hitting in centre, it looks He’s gonna fall !!
I’m spinning and flying around, yeaaah,
Never lifes been this exciting, its all unique like never before . . .
I’m nearing he'll never escape !!
Am I dreaming, am I dreaming – No, no, this is reality !!
This is exciting, I am screaming out loud !!
I’m hitting, I’m banging, I’m rocking, There’s life in desert floor!!
Baaaaang !! I’ve hit, I see the giant staggering,
hey he’s falling down . . . The shepherd boy is screaming !!
Now I hear a war cry !!

Living in the desert under pressure, unidentified is living on the HIGH expectations of the MOST HIGH GOD !! In the hands of the RIGHT person, IN the RIGHT TIME changes your destiny !! DetoNatoRs have a changed Destiny !!

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