You are ENTERING eXtreMe zoNes, Praying that you will leave & Live as a DetoNator. Bienvenue . . .

You & me

My photo
Paris, France
The handwork of a thousand people, that's me . . . I believe in thinking, foreseeing, planning, challenging, building and living in eXtreMe zoNes. Relationships are important, hence Christ is important. How can I ever say no to HIM when beyond a doubt I could feel, witness, listen and talk to Him!! I do not hesitate a bit to declare that I believe in THE BIBLE and Christ is the one and The Only Saviour. Well, that is a part of my belief which I love to share if asked and love to live even if not. But I do not believe in forcing it on people. It takes its excitement off. BELIEFS : Detonate to Build, detonating to kill is useless (Think!!), Be balanced - think every possibility & move ready to die. SOURCE Of INSPIRATION: TRINITY MANAGEMENT (The Ancient Text),KING DAVID. Life?? - Trekking has taught me to endure and encourage, villages and wild are the best places !! War zones and rebel areas push in Adrenalin . . . DREAM : Be the meaning of every life possible !! Spring back from hurts, help the one who hurt in his/her trouble !! - Build Dream in people, be their Dream !! Detonate !! Detonate !!


Let the Fearless BUILD - DetoNatE

DetoNatoRs believe in a Higher power, that they don’t fear anything lower than that.

DetoNatoRs and terrorists have one difference, DetoNatoR Builds for he/she is afraid of nothing, terrorist kills for the fear of being oppressed. As usual the fearless live, and the one who fears finds his/her fear true.



One can accept an offer or deny an offer for a partnership. But unless one accepts it, he/she can never trust the other, nor build on a relationship. DeToNating for destruction needs denying partnership, DeToNating to BUILD needs accepting partnerships. BUT KNOW WHOM YOU ARE PARTNERING WITH - DEVIL can NEVER be GOD, but you can negotiate for a better deal or KILL the DEVIL - if YOU ARE GOD (Just the same way as it is with GOD, to start a faith, you need to accept first, but know whom you are accepting !)

Go DeToNatE ! Go BUILD !!


Revolutionise their Lifes

People stay with you when you transform their lifes. The two keys things are "Know what they are" and then "transform them to beyond what they expect". That is what the most famous carpenter boy did ! People stay with leaders loyally when this happens.



eXploSioN happens when the holder cant hold any longer the thing inside. DetoNatorS give,give,give,give&give so much sooo much that the acceptor can't help holding any longer but only eXplodE ! This is the power of giving - Giving in abundance, giving with out getting tired, giving though hurt, giving even when death is sure.

There is this story of a man who gave everything even when he was stoned to death and how it all influenced one of his enemies to become a revolutionist years later. They called him Stephen. He was a DetoNatoR, and that day even as he saw death, he gave, gave, gave so much that the people around HAD to receive. Remember, nothing you give can go with out being received. Even if it goes to junk, the needy will receive it there. Ready to DetoNatE ?? When you die, let people SmilE around, not cry, not laugh, nor cheer - for you lived a life worth living and you created eXploSioNs.


Who is the ultimate leader ?

Its all about leadership, but WHO is a leader ? Lets put it simple - a person who takes the pressure of things and gives people around a challenging experience.

In a battle field its will be he/she who covers a group of inexperienced people by walking ahead facing the shells of enemy attack, or in society it can be the one he who is ready to cover others and finally be ready to die for others. They will live in hearts though not on earth. DeToNatorS Live, Live forever !


*eXploDinG LiFe

"Religion" is the name given to a dieing set of shortcuts by dieing people,instead of seeking the "Real One". True to its origin, it has always lead to death and it has killed.

People who seek the TRUTH always DetoNateD, LIFE could never stay inside them, it splits, spatters, spoils, spills, eXploDes and they are severely coNtaGious. DetoNatoR . . .it takes a thousand deaths to hold that one bit of life in you, still it cant hold you - eXploDing LIFE,go live it !


True Value Rises last

Can you love a person when the person does not communicate well with you?
Can you work when there is no respect for you?
Can you do things for a person when you know there will be nothing in return ?
Can you give without expecting?

If you stand when you are stripped of everything – then that is your true character, everything else is society.Through the muck, dust and dirt true Gold rises at last, all that rises first is dirt.

A DetoNatinG life will need this kit, to rise above everything in a place of nothing. The "Ancient Text" tells this. Be best illustration it has is the life of a man named JOB.

Warrior in You

If you can stand up straight even when you are stripped of everything, that is you, that is the warrior in you, everything else is society.


DetoNatoR life

DetoNatoR can only be that silent life, that has spend a life time training to crosses in to enemy lines to set the fuse for one higher than him/her. DetoNatoRs are Silent, Small and Sharp.

They have these traits, in a world which talks, they work, in world of outer beauty, they have outer madness and inner beauty and, often their hands are dirty. They work hard, silently and with deadly calmness that they remain a wonder to people who meet them. Hey you who is reading this, you are that one, Go ! DetoNatE, DetoNatE to build!


Die for Life

The death of a company / organization or person always comes beyond all calculations.
Death always aims what you try to save.
The death of a society comes when there are more people to talk but few to live.
For something to grow, something else should die.
The power of giving is when one starts missing the one who gave it.
Detonation is possible only when the detonator die.
“. . . Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it stays alone: but if it die, it brings forth much fruit.”

Burning back from the Ashes Strategy

We talk about innovation curve,we talk about Cannibalisation, but still in the market products fail often. What about Burning back from the Ashes strategy? Lets put it as follows

You are in an entirely new market with no clue of culture or market response, and before you get out your key product, strategically get a product out in the market for the market to attack and eat ! meanwhile keep observing how they burn it in to a heap of ash. Now that you know your enemies well or better, their strategies better, when they recede, come back victoriously build yourself up for the final and actual DetoNatioN ! Remember the Chinese proverb know yourself and your enemy well, that's the art of War ! Remember the marketing slogan of "define your scope well", and the concept of "market positioning", by Burning Back From Ash, you know all this well.

Extremely planned detonation is often seen when there is a high vision beyond human understanding, it happens when counter strategies attack human point of views and burn it completely, then from under those ashes covered securely and protected from the disaster rises the actual strategy, it has now knows who the enemies are, and it has to only deal with a enemy which is drained of energy to a great extend and casually walking back victorious. This is burning back from Ashes. "The Ancient Text" has many such incidents in it, if you are ready to analyze . . . for it is beyond human view.


Power of a WiFi life

Every wireless device detects it, the moment we enter meters from it we are in its power zone, not even thinking of this we call it WiFi.

U think u are weak, every one exploits you, you have no benefit, you are the fool, people cheat you again and again, you are the one who always end up working, always hard stuff for you, no justice, you can't influence people so you try to please people but it ends up in mess, SO YOU THINK, you can't be powerful, you can't be the DetoNatoR. Well . . . then,

Know who you are, Know for what you stand and Know for WHOM you stand. Then you will be a zone of power. People who pass around will detect your presence. Fear will fall on your enemies and they will acknowledge the presence of power. Then the more you are in power, they will make alliance with you, for they can't fight you, but they want you.

But how to grow in Power ? U know "who u are", U know "for what u stand" MAY BE U NEVER knew "for WHOM you stand", understand that person well. The moment you know that, you will understand you cannot be eXploitEd, instead you are the power of influence. They can neglect you, but not for long.

What if you find that the ONE "for WHOM you stand" is the ultimate one who has power over everything - your enemies, your boss, your society, your family, your friends ?? Go DetoNatE *#$^^#$%%^%& !!


Can't DetoNate?

Obey the commander, how to obey ? – it happens only when His vision is our vision or in other words when we understand His vision. What happens then? Then we see why He wants to do it and His Bigger plan of things and we find HIS logic and meaning behind the lack of logic according to our perspective – after all is this not what we call sharpest of strategies ?

But how to understand His Vision? Years ago a diplomatic minister of a great kingdom was reading a book of wisdom in his chariot. On his way there came a simple man, but a man of understanding and of power. He asked do you understand what is written? The minister answered, how will I understand the wisdom of this book if no one explains to me the meaning of these verses?

Whats the commanders vision for land ? Why is it important ?. . . this is the good news which can give you perspective and this is the fact which can save you and keep you moving in battle! And then in awe of understanding the way He thinks comes humility. Isn’t that what Prophets were lead to do and Jesus Himself did ? Isn’t this the same what corporate world tries to install to the head of their employees ? ! Isn’t this what we are supposed to do ? !

Humility comes from understanding ! Oh I am nothing, You are everything ! and so does worship come as well ! Then detonation is not a problem, you will naturally detonate !


DetoNatiNG secrets . . .

Give your best, your very best to people, give sooo much that they can no longer hold it within them, let them pour over, let them be so helpless that they can only eXploDE !! Then you become the DetoNatoR . . .


Invest in a bank, the bank *MAY give you the money when you need it, invest on people, you may see some people around when you need.

*if they are not bankrupt


Fired Hearts

When you search for those key people who has to stand with you for those tough projects to make that detonation you are planning, you seek for "Fired Hearts".

Its the heart, change of heart, attitude of heart that matters. And it all comes clear and emerges up when the waiting process is there, if there is any mud in the heart it will start dissolving in the water and it will make the water muddy, if the desire is as solid a rock and as clean as good rock, the water above will stay as clean as a crystal. That's the Fired Heart you want to stand with you. Go, DetoNate ! Go !



Its easy to turn around with out a word of thanks and walk when you have gained everything, but remember the people who were behind you till that point will not follow you. You the detonator, I the detonator needs humility than any one else !!


Explosives & Diamonds

Explosives and Diamonds don't come in search for you. You hunt them down and own those powerful or valuable Treasure. The moment you are more valuable than them, the equation reverses !

If go in seek of The DetoNatoR you shall find Him. If you think you are much more valuable than Him, get ready - get ready for a stand off. This treasure is not going to come seeking you. For He has already reached you ! you are just denying that !!

You hunt diamonds digging and you hunt explosives seeking right ? so go digging and seeking, your "Internal Rate of Return" will be worth the try and "Weighted Average Cost of Capital" less.


Starting of Lean Concept

He got a few thousand of horses but he kept only a 100 with him, the same with Bronze and precious metals, he gave them all to the build a temple. "The Ancient Text" says the things the King of Israel should do and this was given to Moses. And David did just that.

Lord is honored when His people and His leaders share the wealth in the way Lord has asked them to deal with. Today we accumulate gold or some people accumulate dogs, we forget to feed the poor and the needy, we spent much more in saving them and feeding them – a process of selfishness and self pleasures. This process of accumulating for us teaches our generation selfishness, they no more care for people around including dear and near ones, sending the generation to fights, poverty, disunity and failure of the society.

Often the things we accumulate have become sooo fat that even in a world which believes in lean philosophies to reduce expenditure we are sooo fat that our accumulations need so effort to be maintained.

The success of King David was a lean Army, lean wealth, which did not need sophisticated keeping, it was shared, so his family had unity than any other king, society had growth, people as a community had wealth, it belonged to none but there was wealth. So no one had to fight with each other with in the kingdom. The wealth was in the Lords Temple and it was the glory of Israel and it made people turn their eyes to God and not to each other.

Solomon came, did just the opposite, acquired horses, wife's, wealth over years, it accumulated so fat that eyes turned away from God, and everything split.
Lord again and again tells don’t keep your trust in Horses but in Lord your God.

Republique - Paris

Republique - Paris
Freedom !!